

About Kim Grant

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So far Kim Grant has created 161 blog entries.

Balancing The Soil

2024-12-14T18:18:16-08:00December 13th, 2024|Spiritual Odyssey|

Tantra says that every cell of the body can be brought to a point of Bliss. If one will do T’ai Chi Chih and then remain quiet for a period of time – not thinking, [...]


2024-12-14T18:20:10-08:00December 9th, 2024|Climb the Joyous Mountain|

Provincialism seems to be the most universal characteristic among human beings; it even seems to supplant greed for the number one spot. It isn’t that we each think ours is the best way of life; [...]


2024-12-14T18:20:29-08:00December 5th, 2024|Spiritual Odyssey|

People often speak of “higher consciousness.” A man is coming from another state to videotape me in a research project to find those in “higher consciousness.” The truth is, there is no such thing. There [...]

Fixation: Chih-kuan

2024-11-08T09:40:11-08:00November 7th, 2024|Meditation For Healing|

The Chih-kuan meditation of Chinese Tiantai Buddhism is one of the author’s favorites. Simple in execution, it is profound in effect. Faithfully practiced, it is capable of bringing one to sudden insights that can change [...]

The Importance of “Teh”

2024-11-08T09:30:46-08:00November 1st, 2024|Articles|

I have stayed with Yogis, in the Himalayan Foothills, who are masters of Prana, the Sanskrit word of Chi. They seem to be impervious to the cold and hunger. Since we ate only once a [...]

The Guru Business

2024-10-15T12:34:26-07:00October 5th, 2024|Abandon Hope|

The guru business is good and getting better. Almost
 any teacher or would-be teacher from India, Tibet, China, or Japan can come to the United States wearing robes and immediately acquire a coterie of [...]

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