Posture & State of Mind
The first thing I want you to do when you get this book is to watch your posture and frequently determine your state of mind. This doesn’t mean to correct your posture. Just be aware [...]
The first thing I want you to do when you get this book is to watch your posture and frequently determine your state of mind. This doesn’t mean to correct your posture. Just be aware [...]
Chapter 1: • Watch posture and determine state of mind • Shift weight mindfully from right to left foot Chapter 2: • Count out-breaths to 50 (observe breaths – short, long, rough, smooth) • Click [...]
“Bare attention,” or Mindfulness, is the first step in gaining a “heightened awareness.” But by itself, it is not enough. This bare attention to progress leads to a deeper awareness. Bare attention, by itself, means [...]
Nothing could be more important than the circulation and balancing of the Chi, the Vital Force or Intrinsic Energy. Chi could truly be called the Staff of Life – when it stops circulating, we are [...]
Those of us who are led to spiritual pursuits cannot usually explain why they interest us. If we did try, we might say that we are tired of the superficial in life and are looking [...]
There are other meditations that can be helpful in achieving an expanded awareness. While all meditations can be helpful, some types that lead to trance, deep immersion and otherworldly feelings do not fit our idea [...]
There are many types of meditation resulting in trance states, complete relaxation, intense concentration or wide-awake focusing on the now. None of these, in the writer’s opinion, has the majesty of the Satipatthana meditation, the [...]
Mindfulness is a term used by the Buddha, and he said that it is the first of seven factors of enlightenment. We have already examined our state of mind and watched our breath; we are [...]
In truth there is no such thing as higher consciousness. There is only consciousness. But in individuals, the pure consciousness is usually blocked in varying degrees, so we speak of higher or lower states of [...]
It should be obvious that not all people will get the same results from these practices. The reason is simple: we are not all at the same level of evolution. Some of us are more [...]
There are sincere, seeking people who go away every weekend to a different retreat or seminar, hoping to acquire in a few days, wisdom they do not have. They expect to receive it from outside, [...]
In India the people speak of “vibration before sound,” the catalyst for the beginning of creation. This probably has the same meaning as, “In the beginning was the Word.” Almost all beliefs agree that sound [...]