Balancing The Soil
Tantra says that every cell of the body can be brought to a point of Bliss. If one will do T’ai Chi Chih and then remain quiet for a period of time – not thinking, not planning, not conceptualizing – he or she can experience [...]
Provincialism seems to be the most universal characteristic among human beings; it even seems to supplant greed for the number one spot. It isn’t that we each think ours is the best way of life; we usually believe that ours is the only way of [...]
People often speak of “higher consciousness.” A man is coming from another state to videotape me in a research project to find those in “higher consciousness.” The truth is, there is no such thing. There is only consciousness – and, at the deepest level, it [...]
Fixation: Chih-kuan
The Chih-kuan meditation of Chinese Tiantai Buddhism is one of the author’s favorites. Simple in execution, it is profound in effect. Faithfully practiced, it is capable of bringing one to sudden insights that can change lives, and even to the Satori (sudden enlightenment) experience. Tiantai [...]
Summary of Practices for Heightened Awareness
Chapter 1: • Watch posture and determine state of mind • Shift weight mindfully from right to left foot Chapter 2: • Count out-breaths to 50 (observe breaths – short, long, rough, smooth) • Click teeth 10 times, then 10 more (slowly) • Hold breath [...]
The Personal, Part 1
I only met Roshi Suzuki, the Zen Master who helped found Tassajara, once, but was deeply impressed. It was a difficult drive up to Tassajara in the winter and I had an old car. After speaking with me for a while in Japanese, under [...]
The Guru Business
The guru business is good and getting better. Almost any teacher or would-be teacher from India, Tibet, China, or Japan can come to the United States wearing robes and immediately acquire a coterie of followers, ready to kiss their feet and gift them with [...]
Why the Need for Heightened Awareness
“Bare attention,” or Mindfulness, is the first step in gaining a “heightened awareness.” But by itself, it is not enough. This bare attention to progress leads to a deeper awareness. Bare attention, by itself, means that every action is performed mindfully, in full conscious awareness, [...]
Mantra & Breath Counting
MANTRA A Mantra is a special formula, a word or group of words possessed of great power. It represents a name or aspect of God, and was supposedly revealed to a sage in India after long periods of austerity and meditative discipline. Their family teachers [...]